Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 268 April 29 2015 Marquatstein Germany

I hope they never see a war
an amphibian barge 

mountains where we stopped for gas

Day 268  April 29 2015 Marquatstein Germany

We drove from Poljanak Croatia to Marquatstein Germany today.  The only stop we made to see a collection of weapons and vehicles from the Croatian Home Land War in Karlovac Croatia.  We arrived at our hotel around 8 pm and enjoyed a meal of German food.  It is the first place in Europe that we stayed that did not have English on their menu.  When the waiter realized that we did not speak German he brought us a folder with translations of German food names to English.  Unfortunately half the stuff on the menu was not in the translations.   The food we got was good even though I did not get what I was hoping that I had ordered.  

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