Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 267 April 28 2015 Poljanak Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park

One of the many waterfalls

looking for stuff

another one of the many falls

looks like paradise 

all those white things in background are waterfalls

shortly before getting a wet foot

Day 267  April 28 2015  Poljanak Croatia

We spent the day walking around the waterfalls at Plitvice Lakes National Park.  We drove from the hotel to the park and were looking for the parking lot.  We got to the boat launch area and were told that we were not supposed to be there with a car.  We asked where we were supposed to park and were told to return up the road  we had just traveled.  When we got to the rangers shack the gate that was open on our trip into the launch was now closed.  I was driving so Evy went to investigate if the gate was locked or just closed.  It was locked but she noticed that the chain had excess slack in it and was able to pry it over the end of the post.. We were free.  We parked the car on the other side of the gate and walked back to the boat launch.  The area is absolutely beautiful with a multitude of waterfalls at different levels.  We spent almost 6 hours walking around the area.  Toward the end of the day we were walking down a trail that was closed due to flooding.  Evy said “If I get a wet foot I am going to be mad, extremely annoyed”, within 5 minutes she slipped of the edge of the bank and got a soaker.  She the got mad and said “ I am going back” so the kids and I continued on the trail and Evy returned to the car by herself.  

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