Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 245 April 6 2015 Padua Italy

waiting to catch the train to Venice

in front of the train station in Venice

typical canal

eating pizza margherita in Venice

another typical canal

Day 245  April 6  2015  Padua Italy

We walked from the hotel to the train station at Ponte di Brenta and caught the train to Venice.  The train that was scheduled for the time we got to the station did not show up, so we had to wait 45 minutes till the next one came.  It was packed and we had to push our way into the train.  As we got closer to Venice the more crowded the train got as to the point of it being hard to turn around as you were crushed up against someone else.  When we got to Venice it was also crowed.  There were so many people that “traffic” jams were forming on the bridges and the police were directing people to try to get things moving again.  We did see Piazza San Marco and some of the churches of Venice but the tickets to the Doge’s Palace were sold out.  The trains to return to our hotel were also not running on schedule and when we finally did board a train we were not sure if it was going where we wanted.  I guess the schedule was different due to the national holiday on Easter Monday.  I would never go to Venice on a national holiday again as it was so crowded it was difficult to enjoy what the city had to offer.

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