Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 259 April 20 2015 Pyrgos Greece

Olympia Greece

running on the first Olympic field

more ruins at Olympia

I love this picture

crowned victorious by her brother 

defending the hotel beach from the evil attacking brother

Day 259  April 20  2015  Pyrgos Greece

Today we went to the historic site of Olympia where the first Olympic Games were held and where the flame is still lit today.  The first part of the site we visited was the stadium where the kids had a race down the field.  Isabel claimed victory but the video showed a different ending and the honors went to David.   David showed that he can sometimes be a nice brother and made Isabel a crown from an olive branch and placed it on her head like she was a champion Olympic  athlete.  It was a fantastic time to visit as there were quite a few trees full of beautiful purple flower that smelled fantastic.  The flowers mixed with the ruins provided an awe inspiring visit, it was absolutely beautiful.  After the ruins we went to the museum with a stop on the way at the snack bar.  The poplar trees were dropping pollen is quantities that it looked like it was snowing complete with accumulation on the ground.  It was great for David’s and my allergies.  We stopped at a grocery store on the way home and purchased groceries and a bottle of wine.  I told Evy that she was starting to take after my mother as we ended up buying our alcohol based on the shape of the bottle.  We could not read the greek language on the bottle so we use bottle shape to make our selection.  In the evening the kids and I went for a walk along the shore where we discovered an old stone quarry.  You could see where the stones had been cut and removed by cutting a 1 ½ to 2 inch channel around the rock and then prying it out.  

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