Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 243 April 4 2015 Milan Italy

Isabel and David with My Aunt Berenice and Uncle Daniel Boucly

another picture with my Aunt and Uncle

My cousin Jean Pierre with his wife at the sea side restaurant

in-front of the restaurant with my cousin Jean Pierre

Day 243  April 4  2015  Milan Italy

We stopped in at my Aunts house in La Crau France to say high and for the kids to meet some of my dad’s family.  This was only the second time in my life that I have seen my Aunt and Uncle and they were very friendly considering that they had no idea that we were going to drop in.  My cousin Jean Pierre and his wife took us out to lunch at a sea side restaurant.  It was very nice of him as it was the first time I had met him in my life.  We left La Crau at 4 pm and stopped at a grocery store before beginning the drive to Milan. We passed through the country of Monaco on the way to Italy so we can now say we have been in 24 countries on this trip.   We arrived in Milan around 11 pm.

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