Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 260 April 21 2015 Delphi Greece

absolutely the best pastry of the sabbatical

in front of Chlemoutsi Castle

inside the walls of Chlemoutsi Castle

courtyard of Chlemoutsi Castle

Day 260  April 21  2015  Delphi Greece

We moved from Pyrgos to Delphi today.  The first stop on the route was at the fantastic bakery where we ate more than enough pastry for two or three people each.  We then stopped at Chlemoutsi Castle which was built by the Franks in 1220 to 1223 AD.  It was an interesting castle built on a hill with beautiful view of the surrounding countryside and the sea.  We then continued on our way towards Delphi arriving at the hotel around 6 pm.  For supper we picked up Greek souvlaki and Greek salad.  When I was getting ready to go to town for the souvlaki I discovered that I did not have my car keys.  When we had the car filled up I did not get my key back from the service station attendant. Since the place we fueled the car is a fair distance away we are considering getting a replacement key instead of returning to the station to pick it up.

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