Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 262 April 23 2015 Athens Greece

Odeon of Herodes Atticus


overlooking the theater

outside the theater

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Day 262  April 23  2015  Athens Greece

We searched the internet and found a coil laundry that was very close to the Acropolis.  Evy drove us down town and we were lucky and found parking next to the laundry.  While our laundry was washing we ate in a Mexican restaurant.  Once the laundry was done we walked to the Acropolis and began our tour of the area.  We climbed the hill to see the Parthenon and the Erechtheion.  We then walked to the Aeropagus hill where we sat and admired the view of the city and the Acropolis.  The last stop of the day was at Hadrian Gate and the Temple of Olympian Zeus.   Since it was getting dark we walked back to the car with a stop for ice cream on the way.

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