Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 265 April 26 2015 Leskovak Serbia

Entrance to Theopetra Cave

120 000 year old foot prints made by a child

view inside the cave

another view inside the cave

Day 265  April 26 2015 Leskovak Serbia

We drove a few km from the hotel to the Theopetra Historical Cave.  When the cave was excavated it was discovered that there had been people using it for the last 130 000 years.  It contains a set of 120 000 year old foot prints that were left by a child which then petrified.  It also contains the oldest known human made structure from 24 000 years.  It is a simple wall but it was built to block out the cold winds during the ice age.  There were 12000 year old human skeletons discovered, one of which was on display under plastic case.  We then began our drive towards Thessalonika where we had planned on visiting the white tower.  There was no parking to be found within a reasonable walking distance so we just drove by it and continued on our way towards Leskovak.  When we were about ½ an hour from Thessalonika we realized that the GPS had taken us on a different highway then we had expected.  We looked at the map and it looked like approximately the same distance to continue the way we were as opposed to returning the highway we wanted.  We had planned on going through Macedonia into Serbia, we ended up going though Bulgaria and into Serbia.  The route that the GPS plotted was infact 2 ½ hour longer over some bad roads.  The highway the GPS tried to take us one in Bulgaria was not completed and not in use.  

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