Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 109 Nov 20 2014 Kenora Ontario, Cusco Peru

Day 109  Nov 20 2014  Kenora Ontario and  Cusco Peru

Me in Kenora ON

I plowed the driveway and the road when I finally got brave enough to go outside.  In the early afternoon we went to visited my dad in the hospital for quite a few hours. When we got there my dad looked ok but by the time we left he was not good.   Tony and I went to the house for a few hours the returned to town to pick up my mom.  

Evy and kids in Cusco Peru

I let the kids sleep in and at around noon we took a taxi to Qorikancha also known as Conveto de Santo Domingo. It is really interesting with Inca base and Spanish colonial building on top. The kids were ok because I promised it would be the only ruin we would visit that day. After touring the convento we found a store that sold peel pops so we had to have some. Walking to the down town plaza we encounter a guy dressed in an Inca warrior costume offering to have his picture taken with the kids. I am always weary of these individuals and the cost for their participation in the pictures, but this guy said there was no fixed price, it was by donation and that he was promoting a small craft market. We ended up browsing the market, getting a hair band for Isabel and taking pictures with the Inca. At the central plaza we found a place to eat and then return to the apartment for the night.

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