Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 118 Nov 29 2014 La Paz Bolivia

The barges to taking the buses with our luggage across the river

Walking across the boarder from Peru to Bolivia

I am sure this would meet Canadian safety standards
The river crossing

View from the bus going to La Paz

Day 118  Nov 29 2014  La Paz Bolivia

We took a bus from Puno to La Paz Bolivia.  The trip took around 6 hours and it was nothing like the horror stories that I had read on the web, the crossing was absolutely painless.  It was an interesting trip with some of the nicest scenery that I have seen since being in South America.  The mountains surrounding the lake were beautiful.  When we were a little way into Bolivia the bus drivers assistant announced that we would have to get off the bus to take a little boat.  We bought a 2 bolivano ticket for the boat and were transported across a river in a small boat,  In the mean time the bus was loaded onto a not so safe looking barge and also taken across the river.   I wonder how many busses don’t make it across.  Our hotel in La Paz was right in the city center and the number of people selling stuff on the street is incredible.  It was also very handy as Isabel left her fleecy on the bus and we had to buy a new one.   

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