Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 148 Dec 30 2014 Candidasa Bali Indonisia

typical tourist view

about to get nailed

time for a quick drink

life in paradise
Day 148 Dec 30 2014  Candidasa Bali Indonisia

We went back to White Sand beach today.  When we got close we found out that the road to the beach was blockaded with concrete posts and barbed wire.  It turns out that the road crossed private property and the owner of the land and the local village could not come to an agreement over the road so the owner blocked access.  We had to walk the last 400 to 500 meters to get to the beach.    Isabel and I snorkeled for over an hour then we returned to the beach for lunch.   The restaurants were still in business despite the road closure so we tried one towards the middle of the beach.  The food was good and we did not get sick.   After lunch I went snorkeling again while the kids and Evy played in the waves. The snorkeling is good about 50 meters off of shore and along both sides of the cove with some nice coral gardens and a large variety of fish.

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