Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 110 Nov 21 2014 Kenora ON, Cusco Peru

Day 110  Nov 21 2014  Kenora Ontario,  Cusco Peru

Me in Kenora

My dad received a blood transfusion today and was feeling a bit better in the morning.  By the afternoon he was extremely tired he woke up a bit when it was supper time and I told him that I loved him and he replied that he loved me.

Evy and the kids in Cusco

Our last day full day in Cusco, I forced the kids to go tour some of the Inca ruins near Cusco. We travel to 4 different sites during the afternoon. One of the highlights for the kids was a place the guide said was used to mummified the bodies, we had to climbed behind some large rocks and then go down a small tunnel/cave. There was a flat rock on the side which was supposedly used to lay the bodies while they were being prepared for the afterlife. We continue with the tour into the late afternoon and the temperature started to plummet.  The kids were wearing sweatshirts but they were not warm enough. Fortunately the next stop was at a store that sold knitted clothing and I bought the kids alpaca gloves. Once we came back to town we decided to go for hot chocolate and found a nice coffee shop with a great view of the plaza.  

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