Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 138 Dec 20 2014 Candidasa Bali Indonisia

Snorkeling in front of Catra Apartments

pool at Catra Apartments

the tooth fairy comes through

walking back from shopping in Candidasa

Day 138  Dec 20 2014   Candidasa Bali Indonisia

We hung around the apartment complex most of the day.  The kids spent hours in the pool then we went snorkeling in front of the complex.  There was a fair bit of garbage in the water but there were also a fair number of fish making it worthwhile.  David ended up with a sunburn on his back, he did not look burned but really brown.  Evy and I spent quite a bit of time reading while the kids played video games.  Towards the evening we went for a fairly long walk in the town.  

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