Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 142 Dec 24 2014 Candidasa Bali Indonisia

Christmas Eve supper (notice the formal wear)

Feeding a monkey at the Monkey Forest

Our Christmas tree in Bali

Rice Terrace near Ubud Bali

Do I really want to go down there?

Day 142  Dec 24 2014   Candidasa Bali Indonisia

Our taxi driver picked us up at 8 am as our first stop of the day was a Balinese dance performance as Evy wanted to see it.  As I was sitting there watching it, I started thinking that I would rather go see a ballet.  The first and last time I saw a ballet I remember walking out of it and saying to Evy that if she loved me she would never take me to the ballet again.  The highlight of the day for me was a visit to the Monkey Forest where we fed the monkeys bananas.  I tried to hide bananas under my shirt but that turned out to be a bad idea as the moneys just climb on you and try to rip them out.  David had a few problems with the monkeys.  He was wearing shorts with a lot of yellow on them and several monkeys tried to get the bananas that he did not have.  One monkey tried to pull his shorts off and also tried to bite his pocket open.  David sat down on a bench a few feet away from a monkey and it came over to him and started to pull at his arm and then started to check the pockets and fly area of his shorts.  David stood up and tried to move away when the monkey started to check out his fly.  The monkey followed David and hung onto his leg; all of the sudden a large monkey ran over and pushed the little monkey off of David’s leg, grabbed his shorts then bit David on the leg.  It was right then that I was glad that we had made the decision to get vaccinated against rabbies, especially after seeing signs that day saying “eliminate rabies, vaccinate you pets”.  Even after getting bitten David still wanted to continue feeding the monkeys.  The last stop of the day was a rice terrace near Ubud, it was a scenic view.

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