Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 128 Dec 9 2014 Buenos Aires Argentia

Will the tooth fairy come to Buenos Aires?
Casa Rosada

Obelisco de Buenos Aires 

Perspective Display Museo Prohibido no Tocar

Day 128  Dec 9 2014  Buenos Aires Argentia

We started the day at the Museo Prohibido no Tocar which is a kids science museum Isabel and David liked it hopefully learned something.  While we were in the museum Isabel's wiggly front tooth finally fell out.  After the museum we took a taxi to the Plaza de Mayo where the  Casa Rosada is located.  The Casa Rosada is the Argentine version of the white house.  We walked around the area for quite a few hours.  There were streets that were only for pedestrians and the volume of people walking was impressive. The architecture of the city seems to favor France and is significantly different than the other Latin American countries we have been in.  The drivers are also much more civilized than the other countries as well.

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