Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 129 Dec 10 2014 Buenos Aires Argentia

Park near Recoleta 

A cool tree in the park

Statue of some dude on a horse

Day 129  Dec 10 2014  Buenos Aires Argentia

I decided to check the entrance requirements for Turkey and was surprised to discover that as of recently obtaining a visa at the border is no longer possible and it has to be purchased on-line before arriving in the country.   We were able to obtain our electronic visas for a 240 usd fee.  That could have been an expensive mistake.  When we left the apartment we went to a cyber cafe to print all our airplane tickets and hotel receipts.  Again we went for a fairly long walk around the Recoleta area and finally to a McDonalds for Mcflurrys and sundays.  The rest of the day was spent in the apartment making supper, doing more school work and streaming videos. 

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