Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 123 Dec 4 2014 Puerto Iguazu Argentina

Entrance to Iguazu Falls

One of the many falls

I had to beat the Coatis away with my hat when we were eating

Another of the many falls

checking out the falls

Day 123 Dec 4 2014  Puerto Iguazu  Argentina

We spent 7 hours at the Argentine side of Iguazu falls.  It is an amazing place in its size, beauty and the volume of water that goes over the falls.   We went for a row boat ride down part of the river.  When we were buying the tickets the sales person told us we would see animals, birds and crocodiles, the guy rowing the boat said that you almost never see animals as there is too much traffic from people and helicopters.  The ride cost around $80 and was definitely not worth it.  The kids took advantage of the pool when we got back to the hotel.  The people in the next cabin had a couple of kids the same ages as ours.  Isabel played with the girl in the pool on the trampoline and with the puppies.  David played soccer with the boy for quite a while

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