Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 125 Dec 6 2014 Puerto Iguazu Argentina

Banana trees behind our cabin 

Day 125  Dec 6 2014  Puerto Iguazu Argentina

Today we flew from Puerto Iguazu at 1:45 pm to Buenos Aires.  We took a cab to the apartment we rented on Airbnb.  The apartment is very well located close to lots of things to do, it did have a strong moth ball smell.  We went for a walk, had supper then went grocery shopping.  Trying to find a taxi to take us back to the apartment was a fiasco.  It seems that if you have a significant amount of groceries (more then 1 or 2 bags) the taxi drivers do not want to pick you up.  When we got back to the apartment and turned on the kitchen lights we saw lots of cockroaches crawling all over the counter.  I guess the moth balls were put in the kitchen cupboards to try to get rid of the cockroaches, it did not work.  We tried to call the owner and the rental agency as well with no response from either.   In the end we went to a local grocery store and purchased raid cockroach spray and some cockroach traps and we put the moth balls in a tin can to stop them from stinking so much.  I am sitting here writing this hoping that they work.  We did not see any cockroaches in the bedrooms but will still leave our suitcases closed all the time.  The extremely good news of the day is that my dad seems to be getting better.  He had a blood infection in the summer and it seems that the bacteria entered his spine.  He was in a coma until 9 am this morning is now talking and almost smiling.  He will have a long recovery ahead of him but at least he is looking better than he has in a very long time. 

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